Saturday, September 10, 2005

Growing up way too fast

Jacob just started crawling a week and a half ago. You would think that this new method of locomotion would be sufficient. After all, he can crawl from where I set him down to the nearest "no-no" in 2 seconds flat. I guess it just isn't good enough...not for Jacob. Our little boy has decided to do this instead:

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Yes that's right, he uses his chorus gym to stand up and walk across the room. Last night, our neighbors (the Harbin's) gave Jacob this walker. Jacob used it today to walk across the room to his exersaucer. He only wiped out a couple times. I can't believe he is growing up so fast! How does that happen?
And everyone I talk to, friend and stranger alike, says that before I know it, he will be in school. "Don't blink" and "Don't turn around..." are common phrases. I am trying not to blink, and I don't want to turn around. For as much as this has been an exercise in patience, for as tired and worn out and frustrated I can get, I don't want to miss a second of it. Because "before you know it they are all grown up" and "it all goes by so fast," I want to soak it all in...every last breath. And yet, he's still growing so fast...and I can't stop time...

Okay, enough of that stuff...on to a request by our friend Carrie. We replaced the flooring in the kitchen and dining room with help from our good buddy Steve. It took all day just to get the old flooring up. But in the end, our floors are a much better place to crawl (or walk). Click here to see the whole project.


At 9/10/2005 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, I can't believe it! Where has the time gone?? He is soooooo cute. I can not wait to get my hands on him. Poppy and Grandma are missing him TOO much !!! Love you guys! PS Great job Phil on the floor!

At 9/12/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger simzgirl said...

Thanks for all the pictures! I love the "Pray Hard, Flooring Stinks" motto. I think Sim would agree with you on that!

Oh and I just love that Jacob is so creative to figure out how to walk with his Chorus Gym! What a smarty you got there!!


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