The avocado coincidence
Jacob still doesn't sleep through the night. On a few rare occasions, he slept for a whole 5 hours straight...but we're talking rare. Someone in the Mommy & Me group suggested feeding him avocado, which makes perfect sence because avocado is high in fat, much like breast milk. The first night he consumed the new yummy substance, he woke up an hour into his nighttime slumber and was awake for an hour before we could get him back into bed. He was miserable. The second night, he woke up again, this time for an hour and a half. But then he slept for 4 hours, breastfed, and then slept another 3.5 hours. So we agreed that we would hold off on the avocado last night and see if that took care of the insomnia problem.
I swear, having a baby is just a big science experiment. We spend more time on cause and effect... Anyway, last night he did it again. He was up, he was in pain, he was miserable, and therefore so were we. He is teething. He wakes up because his poor little gums hurt. And then he woke up at 3:30 this morning and played "Where's my baby?" (peek-a-boo) with himself, and fussed because he was hungry. I gave up and brought him to bed. I had been up so many times already.
We are going back to avocado tonight. He woke up less because of hunger. He will still wake up because of teething. We give him tylenol and motrin alternately, and teething tablets otherwise. But he is still in pain. Poor baby... We are not sure of what else to do.
On another note, I love to take pictures. And so, I have been fooling around with the camera and different programs to get & edit these shots...
I don't think professional photography is in my future, but I sure like to have fun with it. Gotta go, Jacob is trying to eat my knees again...
Ok, the naked baby pictures as the Best. Thing. Ever. I love it. Sorry about the not sleeping thing. Let me know if avocado works. I have never heard that one.
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