Monday, September 12, 2005

Toothless no more

Jacob sprouted a tooth yesterday! I routinely rub his gums, mostly because he likes to make funny noises, and there it was...a jagged little budding tooth.

I know it's hard to see, but trust me it's there! He's been so miserable. We think he has another cold. He is producing so much snot. Exactly when do they learn how to blow out their nose? At first I thought that it was mucous due to teething, but now I'm sure it's not. But he has a tooth!


At 9/12/2005 10:31 AM, Blogger simzgirl said...

Yeah for teeth! Sorry he is not happy about it. But this too shall pass. Oh and look out for the first time he bites ya with it! Eeeee!


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