Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Twinkle, twinkle, a-b-c

I can't believe how much happens in just a short week. First, the locks & squeaky cheese weekend: We went to Cascade Locks for one last test run of the RV before the big trip. Phil wanted to test out a KOA vs. other RV lots. We also wanted to see how the cats would do travelling. Well, they howled and hissed at each other. Casper peed in the "bedroom" and Sneakers hid under the pull-out couch. The campgrounds were right next to the railroad tracks. So every hour, it would sound like a train was going through our RV. What a miserable night! So we decided to head to Tillamook instead. At one point, Sneakers came out of hiding and Phil thought that maybe I should pick him up and let him look out the window. That scared the pee out of him, literally. I was covered in stanky cat pee! We had to come back home, bath the boys, shower, change, and scrub out the RV. We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory and had the most yummy ice cream! We also tried a couple cheeses, including cheese curd which is very squeaky when you chew it. I think RV travel will suit us just fine...
Jacob turned 3 months old on Sunday. We went to Sears on Monday to do pictures.

This is my favorite! But you can judge for yourself.

We leave for the Cazella National Tour 'O5 on Saturday. Yes, that's a link to the blog that we will post to as we make our way around the United States. There is so much to get done before then! I think I need to hire help!

And finally, I leave you with my latest discovery (and it only took me 34 years)...Last night, while trying to lull Jacob to sleep, I sang along with his Flutterbye Dreams Soother. I was singing the A-B-C song and Phil said, "Isn't that Twinkle, Twinkle?" How is it that after 34 years, I never noticed that it was the same tune?

Monday, May 16, 2005


Oh my...it's been another week already? I find that it takes me a week to update my blog, so I'm perpetually a week behind. The only reason I have time for this at all is because Jacob is napping on my lap, so I can't go anywhere anyway. And now he's awake, but nursing. Oh well...
So here's my weekly update:
Jacob started rubbing his eye. He wasn't tired or anything, he would just randomly rub it. I called the doctor and they had me come in immediately. It turned out that he has a scratch on his cornea. I keep his nails clipped, but he still managed to scratch his eye. The doctor gave me drops and we go back for another appointment on Wednesday.
We finally got the Jumparoo! We went to a couple Walmarts and they didn't have it in stock. I called another Walmart and they did have it, but it was more expensive there then online with shipping. I ordered it online and it came on Wednesday. Jacob loves it! He can only tolerate about 10-15 minutes of playtime at a time before he's over-stimulated, but it's worth it to be able to put him down. Thank you Uncle Peter and Aunt Terry!

He's actually reaching for things now!!!

Too bad his feet don't reach! (We actually have to put a box under them so he can bounce)

And another new toy, courtesy of Toby and Erin: A Chorus Gym. It's the same one that we gave to our niece Brooke for Christmas. Jacob loves it! He can't stop squealing and laughing!

This is a picture from this morning! As I write, he's still squealing joyfully with bug-eyes at the flashing lights and music.

When he gets wound up from the Chorus Gym, I put him in the Jumparoo and then the swing. Then I feed him and he's out for the afternoon. Pretty soon he'll be able to entertain himself and I can get more things done. He's growing so fast!

We are almost ready for our big trip. We are going camping this weekend for one last test before we go. I will be working on getting things together all week with Jacob in the sling. It's cute, I'll have to get a picture.

Gotta go! Jacob is just got done with the Jumparoo and he isn't wanting to be in his swing. Hopefully I'll get to post more than just once a week!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mommies Day

I just got to celebrate my first Mommies Day. I got a rose, a card, and a box of chocolates from Jacob via Daddy. Jacob was being cuddly and was generally in a good mood. But I think the best thing about yesterday was that it was the first time I got to be a part of it. I received cards from family and my best friend Jen brought me a gift. It was so wonderful to be able to say that this year I am finally a mommy.
Right now, my little man is asleep on my lap. Speaking of little man, check this out!

He holds his own weight up and has started trying to balance himself by sticking his arms out...and he's only 11 weeks old (as of tomorrow)!

Here's a picture of my niece Jaidah holding Jacob (from our visit a week ago).

From left to right: Kelsey, Hanah, Phil, & Jaidah.

This is just a picture comparison of me and Jaidah. This is why they call her my clone. She is just too adorable, isn't she? Hehehe...

Time to go...having company for dinner!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sick baby and the Ants go marching in

Jacob is sick. He got a cold from his daddy. The assistant at the pediatrician's office said not to give him medicine. The only thing we can use is saline nose spray, the snot sucker, and the humidifier. He's not a happy baby. And that pretty much makes me not a happy mommy.
I would have pictures of a visit to my brother's from yesterday but the camera is locked in my car, along with my keys...
We have ants again! They are coming out through the outlet between the couches. Imagine my dismay when I had to kill three ants while breastfeeding my son. Not happy! I have a contract with Terminix and put in another call. Ever since it started warming up, we've had ant problems...again... This is the third time since Jacob was born that I've had to call them out.
When Phil gets home, I'll liberate my camera and post the pics. Gotta go suck some snot!