Friday, April 29, 2005

On the road again...

Phil and I are about to leave for a short trip in the RV. We are going to see my dad in Eugene. I wish it were under better circumstances. My grandma passed away a couple days ago. I wasn't close to her, and hadn't spoken to her in years. But he is having a hard time. I understand what it is like to lose a mother.
He gets to see his grandson again, which is good for both of them, and us too. We're a bit on the tired side. Jacob has not been feeling well, or so we surmise. He’s been really needy lately. I love my baby, but I really need a shower and lunch. Something other than crackers would be nice. The very fact that I am in the process of doing something else has awoken my precious baby. Gotta go…

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Buckle up! It's gonna be a long post...

Sorry it's been so long since my last post...boy have I got some news!
First of all, Friday was Jacob's 2 month well baby visit. He got 4 shots! Daddy stayed in the room with him and mommy came back in when they were done poking him. He weighed in at 10 lbs 11 oz! He's 22 inches long, which is below average but he's due for a growth spurt soon. The doctor was impressed that at just 2 months old, Jacob can stand and hold his full weight and he can almost sit up on his own. I'm impressed too! Also, breastfeeding has gotten a lot easier lately.

Now for some more'll never guess what we did! Okay, so here's the story...
Phil and I were talking about our trip to Florida in June for his 5-week sabbatical. I was expressing how much I hate flying. He mentioned that we could drive, but then there's having Jacob in a car seat all day every day. I just can't do that to him. Then he said something about RVing across the country. We started daydreaming (in the middle of the night) about all the places we could see and people we would visit. The next day, I called around to see what it would take to rent an RV. $1,200 a week!!! That's right, I said a WEEK! That was a definite no go. I was so bummed. Saturday (the 16th), on our way to see my mom for the grand opening of her store Second Options, we stopped by an RV show to see what they had and how much it would cost. Although we didn't get anything from them (more because they seemed like a traveling Gypsy company), we did go shopping again the next day at a place closer to home. So here it is...

If you are ever in the market for an RV, go see Paul at Holiday RV!

This is our brand new Winnebago Minnie...there's nothing Minnie about it!

Yes, we're going to do it! Whether it's brave or stupid, it's bound to be an adventure!

We planned to take it out for the weekend, but the generator quit working Friday night on our way out. This was upsetting, especially because it was brand new. We left Saturday with some neighbors and went to the coast. Sunday was a beautiful day!

On Monday, I tripped down the stairs and hyper extended my right foot and sprained my ankle. Then yesterday I tripped over the bouncy chair and landed on the same foot. I was in so much pain! We went to urgent care, which is anything but urgent, and the good news is it's not broken. It feels better today, except when I try to climb the stairs. But the swelling is down...

And last but not least... Phil and I had our date night last night. We had been planning this for 3 months. We dropped Jacob off with the babysitter (my best friend Jen), and off we went to Champions on Ice. It was incredible! I had the best time! We had great seats (4th row center ice). I took over a hundred pictures. Here are some of the best ones...

This is what happens when bad aim turns good...

These guys were amazing!

None other than Michelle Kwan.

Once again, these guys were amazing!

A perfect throw

Grand Finale.

These are Champions on Ice...incredible show!

My hubby rocks!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Things I've learned so far

1. “Prioritize” takes on a whole new meaning.
2. I am lucky if I get a shower, so if I stink…sorry…
3. You too can be a multitasking genius!
4. I can do almost anything one-handed.
5. I cannot, however, brush my teeth and put my pants on at the same time.
6. A baby can sleep through band practice (which is really loud!).
7. A baby won’t sleep in the dead quiet of 4:30 am.
8. Baby poop is messy.
9. A baby can pee with a diaper on and get everything wet except for the diaper (Houdini urine?).
10. You can bring a baby to boob, but you can’t make him drink…
11. Well-meaning strangers armed to the teeth with unsolicited advice will accost you when you least expect it, usually in the grocery store.
12. These same strangers will ask you 3 times if the baby is a girl, when he is clearly dressed in all blue.
13. There is nothing more attractive than a man with a baby. Just ask all the strange women that approach my husband ooing, awing, and cooing.
14. I can live on 4 hours of non-consecutive sleep.
15. I will cry over spilt breast milk.
16. Everything takes at least twice as long to do and I will invariably be running late no matter how early a start I get.
17. I will do anything to make my son happy (or at least to keep him from screaming).
18. Babies are very flexible. My husband can flip our son around like a pair of nunchucks.
19. The term “Blow out” no longer refers to a sale.
20. A simple smile can erase a whole week of frustration.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Swing Baby!

So I had my 6 week checkup with the ob/gyn today. All is well and healing "beautifully". Jacob wasn't too happy about being stuck in his car seat...but he survived. I won't see the doctor again for another year.
Can you believe it's been 6 weeks? And I still don't miss being pregnant! (For those of you who were wondering) And I don't plan on having another baby any time soon. Jacob is a handful as is! He is having more and more happy moments.

Here he is swinging away, happily cooing at the mirror in the mobile and one of his favorite bears I hung. It's amazing watching his daily transformation from sleepy newborn to interactive infant. 6 more weeks and he'll be really fun! But every day is a day of discovery, for both of us. I may not feel like it most of the time (especially after I've been up for 22 hours because Jacob decided that he wanted to be fussy at 3:30 am), but I am truly blessed. He is a beautiful baby and I love him with all my heart!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I never do anything halfway...

We had a birthing class reunion on Sunday and almost all the families showed up. It was so cool seeing so many babies all at once. I took down names/numbers/emails from everyone so we could get a play/support group together. Could I leave it at a simple email to the new mommies? No!!! I had to build a whole website! So far, I've got the home, contacts, calendar, and photos pages with plans to add another page soon for helpful links. I'm such a dork...and a geek to boot! (ok..that was unintentional...hehehe).
Jacob is swinging away what am I doing? Pumping, eating lunch, and writing this blog...all at the same time! I am getting quite good at this multitasking thing. Hey, can someone please pass the salt? I'm kinda stuck here.
Oh no! As expected, 5 minutes into pumping, Jacob decides he doesn't like his swing anymore. Gotta go!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

First outing

Today we went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). We actually got out of the house and went somewhere (besides the store)! And look! Proof!

Jacob was so good all day! He didn't cry once...mostly because he was sleeping the entire time (As much as Daddy wanted to teach him all about physics).

But ya know, eventually he'll be awake for it!

Everyone kept coming over to see the baby, especially the little kids. He is a gorgeous little man if I do say so myself...

Awww... He's sooo cute in his Giraffe outfit!

Friday, April 01, 2005

It's all worth it!

Today is one of those days that just proves no matter how tired or frustrated I am, being a mommy is all worth it once you get one of these...

He's smiling more and more every day and he even giggled in his sleep this morning. I am so excited about these new developments. Before we know it, he will be giggling when he's awake. Now if we could just get him on a regular eating/sleeping schedule.

I'm so amazed at my little man...