Friday, September 30, 2005

Not happy

I just tried to post about what has happened in the past week and it disappeared. I didn't take my own stupid advice! Aggravating!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another month

Hey...I'm back! That was fast!!! I'm so glad it's fixed and I can go on my merry way...
Today is Jacob's 7 month birthday! Can you believe it? Better yet, this was the picture I picked out yesterday. (The print is so much nicer)

He is such a cutie!

Okay, gotta go. I have some housework to get done before company comes over. I'm sure I have more to share. Oh, Jacob did say "Dada" a couple times, but I can't get him to repeat it for a recording yet.

Alright...back to the broom...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Out of order

Well laptop is being shipped to HP tomorrow for repairs. My cd rom drive does not work and it is still under warranty. Unfortunately, I cant replace it myself (they won't let me). Because I won't have my laptop, chances are I won't get to post anything new until I get it back (hopefully Friday).
But just so you know, Jacob turns 7 months old on Thursday. We are getting pictures done on Wednesday. I have to figure out what cute outfit I want to put him in. That should be the only big thing happening this week. I'm pretty sure he won't be walking on his own, but he's gonna keep trying. And he shouldn't get any more teeth in until next month.
Man am I gonna miss my laptop...
I will try to at least check my emails, and maybe try to throw in a post, but we will see.
Until I see/post/email again...

Friday, September 16, 2005


The past 2 days have been challenging, and strangely rewarding. Jacob keeps having fits in the car. He hates been buckled down. I am going to record the usual songs I sing to him to calm him down so I don't lose my voice. I would imagine that the presence of new teeth and the frustration of a cold is making things pretty hard on him. Yesterday, the little man discovered that if he took one of his cups over to the tile, he could make a new sound when he banged it. This at least kept him from reaching the cat food, which he desperately wants.

This morning, we were treated to a new babble. You won't believe your ears...or maybe you will...

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That's heard him...he said "Mama muh." Uh huh...who's your mama? He really hasn't said "d" babbles yet, which is surprising. Of course I know he knows not what he babbles. But it's cute!

His car seat came today. We had to order it online because they don't sell this brand in the stores. Apparently it is too big? Whatever... Anyway, it is a Combi Victoria. It is the only brand that, while front facing, can be adjusted without having to redo the latch belt. All thanks go to my sister-in-law for the great car seat buying advice!

Since my little man loves him some avocado, I bought 10 on sale at Winco for 48ยข each! I just grind them up and freeze them in ice cube trays. You really can't beat that! I also got a sweet potato that I need to boil, grind, and freeze. Making fresh food is really satisfying. I feel like I'm doing a good thing. While grocery shopping, Jacob felt the need to pull his face to my using my hair, and then bit me on the nose. Those little teeth are sharp!

I need to go now. My loverrrr is home from church and we have an agreement: No computers after Jacob goes to bed. I think it's a good idea, even if I didn't think of it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I wouldn't wish this on anyone

Jacob has been an absolute pill. He has a cold and another tooth popped through. I can understand that he is in pain and he is miserable. It doesn't do anything for my level of frustration. He has also gotten very needy as of late. He fusses and screams when we put him in his car seat. It's not because he's in pain or starving or tired. It's because he doesn't want to be in the car seat. Ever since he started crawling, he's hated being confined to one spot. I try singing to him until my throat hurts, but he just won't stop fussing.
The night before last, he spent 2 hours fussing in his crib because he wanted to be held while he slept instead of sleeping in his crib. 2 hours of fussing and my nerves were shot. Phil was at school, so I was all alone trying to remain calm. I finally gave in and brought him downstairs to the lazyboy to sleep on my chest. Then last night, Phil and I took turns (mostly Phil) trying to get him to go to sleep. He screamed so much he lost his voice! The biggest problem is now that he is mobile, he will go straight for the bars on the crib and pull himself up. So not only is he fussing (or screaming), but he's doing so standing up. That child is STUBBORN!
He finally went down at 9:30 and woke at 2:30. I heard him half-heartedly fussing until he discovered his flutterby dreams soother and played for a while. At about 4 am, I heard it still playing and decided to go check on him. He was asleep in a position that, when he moved his head only slightly, would hit the button and play the music. he finally woke at 5 am to eat and went back down until 7. That is the longest he's gone between meals (7.5 hours). By now, most babies his age have been sleeping through the night for months. But not mine...oh nooooo....
This is what happens when we don't go to Mommy & Me group. I go on and on...We didn't go because he was sick, and it's not nice to bring a sick baby around other babies. Although he probably got this cold from one of them. We might miss the BCB group too. I need to at least show up to give some pictures and formula to a couple ladies.
Speaking of pictures, here's the picture of the day. He's gnawing on a binky he found in his toybox. He's just so darn cute. You'd never know he was a virus infested fussy munchkin butt...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Toothless no more

Jacob sprouted a tooth yesterday! I routinely rub his gums, mostly because he likes to make funny noises, and there it was...a jagged little budding tooth.

I know it's hard to see, but trust me it's there! He's been so miserable. We think he has another cold. He is producing so much snot. Exactly when do they learn how to blow out their nose? At first I thought that it was mucous due to teething, but now I'm sure it's not. But he has a tooth!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Growing up way too fast

Jacob just started crawling a week and a half ago. You would think that this new method of locomotion would be sufficient. After all, he can crawl from where I set him down to the nearest "no-no" in 2 seconds flat. I guess it just isn't good enough...not for Jacob. Our little boy has decided to do this instead:

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Yes that's right, he uses his chorus gym to stand up and walk across the room. Last night, our neighbors (the Harbin's) gave Jacob this walker. Jacob used it today to walk across the room to his exersaucer. He only wiped out a couple times. I can't believe he is growing up so fast! How does that happen?
And everyone I talk to, friend and stranger alike, says that before I know it, he will be in school. "Don't blink" and "Don't turn around..." are common phrases. I am trying not to blink, and I don't want to turn around. For as much as this has been an exercise in patience, for as tired and worn out and frustrated I can get, I don't want to miss a second of it. Because "before you know it they are all grown up" and "it all goes by so fast," I want to soak it all in...every last breath. And yet, he's still growing so fast...and I can't stop time...

Okay, enough of that stuff...on to a request by our friend Carrie. We replaced the flooring in the kitchen and dining room with help from our good buddy Steve. It took all day just to get the old flooring up. But in the end, our floors are a much better place to crawl (or walk). Click here to see the whole project.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My boy is soooo talented!

I took this video yesterday...and added a little music. Jacob gets so into his chorus gym that we swear he's going to be a pianist (or maybe percussionist) when he gets older. He'll definately be talented...or is he already?

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Friday, September 02, 2005

I just thought I would post pictures from today. Not a lot went on. Jacob spent most of the day being grumpy, but we really couldn't pin-point the problem (aside from the fact that he was tired).

Speaking of which...Jacob slept 7 hours straight last night!!! I wish he would have told us he was going to do that. We would have gone to bed early. The night before, he was up every hour. And he decided that 4 am was a good time to play. We can't figure out what the magic formula is to getting him to sleep, but we will keep trying. Maybe it was the avocado?

Jacob had fun going shopping with mommy today.

And then it was bath time! It's so nice that he actually smiles for the camera now. Come on for the flashy thing...